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First NameLast NameAccreditation NumberSuspended UntilNature of ConductSummaryOutcome
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RobertKelsoF010686A Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia received a complaint on the 30 April 2023, regarding Robert Kelso not having having correct accreditation.Formal Warning
SimonJanF021597A13/02/2025Failure to demonstrate appropriate due diligenceFPA Australia received a complaint regarding Mr Jan's assessment of fire safety measures on an AFSS. Mr Jan attested he inspected 25 of the 27 measures listed on the AFSS and they performed to the standard listed on the schedule. Later assessment of the measures found them non-compliant. The FPA Australia investigation supported the measures were not capable of performing to the standard, and the AFSS was issued without due diligence being applied.Mr Jan's FPAS accreditation has been suspended for a period of 12 months commencing 13/02/2024 and finishing 13/02/2025.
SimonJanF021597A13/02/2026Failure to demonstrate appropriate due diligenceFPA Australia received a complaint 27 Nov 2023 from a local Council regarding Mr Jan's assessment of fire safety measures on an AFSS. Information as reviewed by FPA Australia supported the allegation that the building had extensive fire safety defects as observed by Council staff, the NSW Building Commissioner's team, and an Accredited practitioner (fire safety). FPA Australia supports the position these measures are not capable of performing to the standard listed on the schedule. Evidence supports Mr Jan failed to apply due diligence in providing a compliant AFSS for the building.FPA Australia determined based on independent and substantive evidence that it was appropriate to suspend Mr Jan's accreditation for a period of twenty four (24) months. Commencing 13/02/2024 and finishing 13/02/2025.
MalcolmGrahamFS21815A Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia conducted an investigation audit of Mr Graham (Aug 2022). During the audit, it was found that Mr Graham completed regulated work without holding the appropriate accreditation.Formal Warning/Apology.
MalcolmGrahamF021815A Gross MisconductIt is alleged Mr Graham issued an AFSS for a building which was found to have extensive fire safety defects associated with a fire safety measure. The FPA Australia investigation supported the allegation noting evidence of 131 areas of non-compliance. As the measure was not capable of performing to the standard listed on the schedule the AFSS had been issued fraudulently.FPA Australia supports the position Mr Graham's actions were grossly negligent. Mr Graham's FPAS accreditation has been terminated for 3 years commencing 28 May 2024. Termination is wholly applied to Mr Graham's accreditation and will remain effective until: *an NCAT proceeding overturns the termination *it has been effective for three years and the practitioner’s application for accreditation has been successful.
MalcolmGrahamF021815A24/08/2023Gross MisconductIn accordance with section 9.4 Outcomes when a breach is identified of the Code of Professional Conduct, the AAP hereby provides notice that the applicant’s appeal of the original Notice of Decision issued on 3 April 2023, is dismissed and the original decision made by FPA Australia stands.MR GRAHAM’s accreditation is to be suspended for 3 months (inclusive of all measures).
JoeAvvenevoleF022262A23/09/2021Failure to comply with FPA Australia Exam Conditions An audit of Joseph AVVENEVOLE’s online exam/s (Oct 2020). During the audit, AVVENEVOLE was found to be in breach of the exam conditions.Accreditation was suspended for six (6) months (includes all measures).
AaronKeaneF025672A26/11/2021Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Aaron KEANE (April 2021). The investigation identified that KEANE completed regulated work whilst he did not hold the correct accreditation.KEANE’s accreditation in the measures in which he was not accredited were suspended for six (6) months.
MitchellGaratoF028127A07/10/2021Completion of regulated Fire Systems Design work as a Fire Safety Assessor FPA Australia received a complaint about Mitchell GARATO (Sep 2020). The investigation identified that GARATO completed Fire Systems Design work despite only being accredited as a Fire Safety Assessor.Accreditation was suspended for six (6) months (includes all measures).
KeianO'ConnorF032485A24/12/2021Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Keian O'CONNOR (Apr 2021). The investigation identified that O'CONNOR completed regulated work whilst he did not hold the correct accreditation.O'CONNOR's accreditation in the measures in which he was not accredited were suspended for six (6) months.
AlexanderMaherF033708A07/10/2021Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Alexander MAHER (Feb 2021). The audit identified that MAHER completed regulated work whilst he did not hold the correct accreditation.MAHER’s accreditation in the measures in which he was not accredited were suspended for six (6) months.
RyanCooper33920 Failure to comply with conditions of Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme Complaint received by FPA Australia noting Mr Ryan Cooper has signed an AFSS without accreditation. FPA Australia review supported the allegation & noted this not to be a one off incident.FPA Australia determined to terminate Mr Coopers Inspect & Test accreditation. From 19 June 2024 Mr Ryan Cooper is to take immediate steps to cease using any promotional material relating to the accreditation scheme and not imply in any way that he is an accredited individual under an accreditation scheme. Termination will be wholly applied to Mr Cooper's accreditation and will remain effective until: o an NCAT proceeding overturns the termination o it has been effective for three years and the practitioner’s application for accreditation has been successful.
MonteYee-LimF016042A Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation and fraudulent use of accreditation particulars FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Monte YEE-LIM (Mar 2021). The audit identified a risk that YEE-LIM had completed regulated work whilst he did not hold the correct accreditation. The investigation later found that this was an administrative error and not representative of regulated work, though indicative of unsatisfactory reporting.Formal Warning / Apology.
SeanHamillF017625A19/08/2021Failure to comply with FPA Australia Exam Conditions Audit of Sean HAMILL’s online exam/s (Nov 2020). During the audit, HAMILL was found to be in breach of the exam conditions.Accreditation was suspended for six (6) months (includes all measures).
MichaelAyoubF026133A Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia received a complaint on the 24 March 2023, regarding Michael Ayoub not having having correct accreditation.Formal Warning
JamesCarltonF030235A Failure to comply with the conditions of audit FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Mr Carlton on 11 Aug 2023. Mr Carlton failed to provide any requested documents within the timeframe. Suspension of accreditation is indefinite until the full suite of requested documents are received by FPA Australia.ALL of Mr Carlton's FSA accreditation is suspended indefinitely until information is received which allows an audit to be undertaken.
ShannonGouldF031574A26/11/2021Completion of regulated work without the correct accreditation FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Shannon GOULD (Mar 2021). The investigation identified that GOULD completed regulated work whilst he did not hold the correct accreditation.GOULD’s accreditation in the measures in which he was not accredited were suspended for six (6) months.
JoshuaHardieF033742A13/04/2023Failure to comply with conditions of Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme FPA Australia conducted a scheduled audit of Joshua HARDIE (Feb 2021) . The audit identified that HARDIE did not meet the minimum experience requirements of the Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme.HARDIE’s accreditation in the measures he did not meet the minimum experience requirements for were suspended for twenty-four (24) months.
MatBirdF035218A19/08/2021Failure to comply with FPA Australia Exam Conditions An audit of Mathew BIRD’s online exam/s (Nov 2020). During the audit, BIRD was found to be in breach of the exam conditions.Accreditation was suspended for six (6) months (includes all measures).
ColinMcDonaldF037353A19/08/2021Failure to comply with FPA Australia Exam Conditions An audit of Colin MCDONALD’s online exam/s (Dec 2020). During the audit, MCDONALD was found to be in breach of the exam conditions.Accreditation was suspended for six (6) months (includes all measures).