Building & Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas - Perth 2024

This two-day course will provide participants with a broad understanding of the building and planning requirements for development in bushfire prone areas in Western Australia.

This course is non-accredited and students will be issued with a non-accredited Certificate of Completion on successful completion of the course.

This two-day course will provide participants with a broad understanding of the building and planning requirements for development in bushfire prone areas in Western Australia.

The course covers a wide range of elements including overviews of:

  • bushfire behaviour
  • bushfire planning and building legislative requirements specific to the jurisdiction where the course is delivered
  • how bushfire attack levels are assessed and determined  
  • bushfire impact and building design to mitigate bushfire impact
  • knowledge of bushfire resistant construction

The course is designed for local government staff as well as building, planning, environmental, fire services personnel, developers and others with an interest in the planning and building practices related to bushfire in Western Australia.

12/06/2024 - 13/06/2024

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