Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia) will be held at 1.30pm AEDT on Thursday, 25 November, 2021.  The agenda for this meeting will be:   

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Confirm Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2020
  3. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 30 June, 2021
  4. Report by the President and CEO for the year ended 30 June, 2021
  5. Appointment of Auditors for 2021/22
  6. Special resolutions:  
    •       That the Constitution be amended to allow General Meetings to be held in person, in a hybrid format, or virtually.  
    •       That the Constitution be amended to elect Directors for set three-year terms.  
  7. Other business
  8. Close of meeting

Please find the relevant papers attached or linked below:

Note:  the proposed Special Resolutions are to: 

  • allow for hybrid and virtual General Meetings; and 
  • create set terms for Directors.  

Click on the links above to access relevant documents or the title of the documents below to download.  

Minutes of the 2020 AGM
Friday, 20 November, 2020
(Adobe PDF)

Resolution:  That the Minutes of the 2020 AGM be accepted.  

2020 AGM Minutes
Resolution 1: 
Hybrid and Virtual General Meetings
(Adobe PDF)

That the Constitution be amended to allow General Meetings to be held in person, in a hybrid format, or virtually.  

Clauses 2.1(k) and 6.8 of the Constitution of FPA Australia would be amended as outlined in the documents below.

Federal changes through the Treasury Laws Amendment Act 2021 allow organisations to hold virtual and hybrid meetings. 

This is to overcome difficulties arising from the Coronavirus pandemic, which restricted the ability of shareholders and members to attend meetings in person. 

The amendments were initially temporarily introduced in response to the unprecedented lockdowns and travel restrictions, but now require action by organisations if they wish to have the option of holding these types of general meetings in future. 

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has recommended that Associations should change their Constitutions by March, 2022, if they plan to continue holding hybrid or virtual meetings. 

This resolution will enable FPA Australia to comply with the legislation, and the proposed amendments to clauses 2.1(k) and 6.8 will give effect to this resolution. 

The FPA Australia Board recommends that members support this resolution.  

Proposed changes to clause 2.1(k)
Proposed changes to clause 6.8
Resolution 2: 
Three-year set terms
(Adobe PDF)

That the Constitution be amended to elect Directors for set three-year terms.  

Clause 9.4 of the Constitution of FPA Australia would be amended as outlined in the document below.  

The current rules for the election of directors create uncertainty, because they require one third of the Board to resign at each AGM whether they have served 3 years or not.

This means that, in years where more than 2 directors might be elected, some are required to serve shorter terms than would normally be expected. 

This is thought to be unfair, as one director would have to agree to stand down early, and not serve their full term. 

The proposed amendments to clause 9.4 will ensure that all elected directors will have equal opportunity to serve for 3 years.  

The FPA Australia Board recommends that members support this resolution. 

Proposed changes to clause 9.4